Having ‘backbone’

Energetic support for ‘backbone’

  • Christ: Remaining true to ourselves; standing up for ourselves
  • I am met with respect: Cultivating our natural authority
  • Djwal Khul: Self-awareness; doing what needs to be done, without the feeling we have to justify or defend ourselves
  1. Hilfe im Alltag, im Job, in der Partnerschaft mit Energiesprays und Energieschmuck von LichtWesen Djwal Khul
    Djwal Khul #6
    self-awareness and self-confidence

    Starting at €26.90

  2. Hilfe im Alltag, im Job, in der Partnerschaft mit Energiesprays und Energieschmuck von LichtWesen Christ
    Christ #5

    Starting at €26.90