Live in a conscious and fulfilling way
LichtWesen energised products are an energetic support in many areas of our life. They
- provide stimuli to help us live a conscious and fulfilling life
- help us to recognise and develop our skills and abilities
- assist us in living to our full potential
- promote spiritual development
- Magna Mater (Spray and Crystal)Respekt vor den eigenen weiblichen Qualitäten, crystal
Starting at €29.90
- Inner Treasures - Energyspraydiscover and live your talents and abilities, tincture spray€29.90€99.67 / 100 ml
- Frühlingserwachen - Spring awakening UpdateAufblühen, sich ins Leben wagen, Neues beginnen, aroma spray€29.90€99.67 / 100 ml
- Angst überwinden (Overcome fear)Zentriert und handlungsfähig sein, tincture spray€29.90€99.67 / 100 ml
- What´s next? - orientate yourselfOrientierung, Klarheit bekommen, Neubeginn, Intuition stärken, tincture spray€29.90