Creation Ray Yellow crystal droplets #68

Delivery Time: 1-3 Days
  • joyfully developing ourselves and blossoming; vital desire; cheerfulness; delight in learning and discovering,
  • is like sunshine on a grey day or during ‘November depressions’ helps overcome learning blocks or resistance against studying and learning,
  • realising our highest potential
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68 - Yellow Creation Ray, crystal droplets


The Yellow Creation Ray activates the flow of vital energy. We blossom and recognise the variety of opportunities available, enthusiastically taking advantage of the chances we are offered.

Creation Ray Yellow assists us to see through procedures and effects, grasping the context and wider connections. In addition, it also enhances the pleasure we find in learning and discovery, resolving any blockages we may have regarding this. Many users also used the Yellow Creation Ray to get a ‘clear head’.

Also available as:

tincture with calcium (to spray on): water-alcohol (30 ml = 1 fl oz)

Aroma spray with linaloe (to spray onto our skin): water-alcohol with essential oils (30 ml = 1 fl oz)

Zirconia (jewellery pendant): navette zirconia set in sterling silver, nickel-free, 8 x 16 mm

Please note: The actual colour of our crystals will vary slightly according to the light and also due to the details of the manufacturing process. The colours as portrayed here are therefore not binding.

Crystals and energy spheres

  • Wear on the body,
  • in a shirt pocket or trouser pocket (a customer gave the hint to pull a string through the hole in the crystal, attach it to the belt loop, and put it in the trouser pocket),
  • or as jewellery

Schöpfungsstrahl gelb

Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der einzelnen Energien und weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem Infoblog.

Kristallglas, ca. 25 x 40 mm, ca. 12 g

Auch erhältlich als:

  • Tinktur: Aqua (Wasser), Ethanol (Weingeist), 30 ml (= 1 fl oz)
  • Duftspray: Aqua (Wasser), Ethanol (Weingeist), Aroma (natürliches ätherisches Lin Aloe-Öl), 30 ml (= 1 fl oz)
  • Zirkonia: Navette-förmiger Zirkonia gefasst in 925er Silber, ca. 10 x 19 mm, ca. 2 g

Unsere Kristalle unterliegen herstellungsbedingt und je nach Lichtverhältnissen Farbschwankungen. Die Darstellungen können daher farblich abweichen und sind nicht verbindlich.

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