Energy for challenging times
Here you can find the new energy sprays and the Encourager Angel - who has so much courage you can take some for yourself! We hope you enjoy discovering what we have on offer!
- Magna Mater (Spray and Crystal)Respekt vor den eigenen weiblichen Qualitäten, crystal
Starting at €29.90
- Basic Vibration of Love - Urgrund der LiebeEintauchen in die Grundschwingung der Liebe, innere Ruhe, Zuversicht
Starting at €29.90
- Jahresmischung 2024 - Annual Mix 2024Aufblühen im Neuen, Durchbruch, Halt bekommen, Intuition und logisches Denken verbinden, tincture spray€29.90€99.67 / 100 ml
- Mindfulness and Protection tinctureacting mindfully, recognising danger, tincture spray€29.90€99.67 / 100 ml