Magna Mater Crystal (with silver clip)
- being able to accept the gifts life gives us; recognising and grasping the opportunities for being wealthy and successful,
- resolves obstructive patterns and thought structures around the issues of wealth, abundance, money and success
- alignment with our life’s work
The AbundanceCrystal helps us to recognise and resolve our blockages and unhelpful attitudes surrounding the issues of prosperity, being wealthy and having success. Recognising and accepting gifts, transforming the feeling we are lacking something we need, and recognising the wealth we already possess. We become aware of and resolve belief patterns such as “I am not worthy”, “I’ll never get anywhere”, “Money is a burden”, or “Truly spiritual people aren’t allowed to be rich”.
It reinforces our love of matter and the Earth. In the end, this power leads us towards what we want to realise, what we really want to do – our heart’s desire and life’s work.
Energies included: Michael, Melchizedek, Tree
Available as:
tincture (to spray on): water-alcohol (30 ml = 1 fl oz)
crystal circular (approx. 20 mm) with clip as jewellery pendant): glass crystal
Crystals and energy spheres
- Wear on the body,
- in a shirt pocket or trouser pocket (a customer gave the hint to pull a string through the hole in the crystal, attach it to the belt loop, and put it in the trouser pocket),
- or as jewellery
Magna Mater (die „große Mutterenergie“, die in allen Kulturen verehrt wird), Urgrund der Liebe, Michael, be present, Haniel, Christus
Glaskristall oval, Länge 2,5 cm x Breite 1,5 cm