Elohim Pink #57

Delivery Time: 1-3 Days
  • loving ourselves and our environment feeling accepted, secure and loved,
  • for anyone who is feeling rejected, abandoned, alone or misunderstood; for those who have difficulty letting others come close; during divorce, separation, mourning or heartache,
  • experiencing unconditional love
Grouped product items
Product name Qty
Elohim Pink tincture
€99.67 / 100 ml
57 - Pink Ray Elohim - tincture with colloidal gold
Elohim Pink oil
€360.00 / 100 ml
57 - Pink Ray Elohim - essential oil
57 - Pink Ray Elohim - body crystals


Pink Elohim resolves blockages, injuries and behaviour patterns that we use to cut ourselves off from love. We recognise that love is always surrounding us: it is up to us to accept this love. In this way we can experience solace and become capable of forgiving ourselves. This power reinforces our self-acceptance. Users felt valued, secure and cosily wrapped up.

Because blockages and traumatic experiences around the issue of “being loved” are resolved, the application of this essence can initially give rise to a deep sadness. This essence also dispels the illusion of being separated from all-encompassing (divine) love.

  • Tincture spray: apply once or several times a day
  • Essential oil: in rooms
  • Crystal heart: wear on the body or as jewellery
  • Zirconia: jewellery pendant
  • Body crystals: for therapeutic use

Erhältlich als:

  • Tinktur: Aqua (Wasser), Ethanol (Weingeist), 30 ml (= 1 fl oz)
  • Ätherisches Öl: Mischung reiner ätherischer Öle: Palmarosa und Rosengeranie, 10 ml (= 0,33 fl oz)
  • Kristallherz: Kristallglas, ca. 35 x 40 mm, ca. 20 g
  • Zirkonia-Kombischmuck: ovaler Zirkonia in 925er Silber, ca. 13 x 16 mm, ca. 6 g
  • Körperkristalle: 1 Röhrchen mit ca. 25 Glaskristallen, Durchmesser ca. 4,8 mm, ca. 2 g

Unsere Kristalle unterliegen herstellungsbedingt und je nach Lichtverhältnissen Farbschwankungen. Die Darstellungen können daher farblich abweichen und sind nicht verbindlich.

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