With our cat on holiday

Any pet owner knows this question: we are away from home, so what do we do with our cat?

Since we cannot take them with us in the same way as dogs Cats are more location-dependent and want to stay in the place they know. That is why we need someone who can take care of our cat.

However, even when cats are looked after at home, they still become stressed and often resent being left alone. One friend’s cat refused to be stroked when my friend returned from holiday. The cat would find a hiding place and then leap out, attacking my friend and biting her in the leg.

So to help the animal relax and better cope with the change, we can provide some energetic support. We particularly recommend the LichtWesen essence Resolving Trauma, which can be used in any stressful situation to have a harmonising effect on the energy flow and ensure a supply of soothing, transformational energy. This essence can be supplemented with the LichtWesen essenceWell-Being for Cats. The energy system is cleansed and the energy flow harmonised. The essence Well-Being for Cats is an essence that can be used every day to help stabilise the cat’s energy system.



While the pet owner is away, the animal sitter should take the essences Resolving Trauma and Well-Being for Cats and add them to the cat’s drinking water. We recommend putting out two bowls of drinking water, one with and one without the essences. Then the animal is free to choose. After returning, it is then a good idea to take the Resolving Trauma essence and stroke it into your cat’s fur.