Energy of the year 2024

Blossoming in the new - breakthrough, getting a foothold, combining intuition and logical thinking - that are the issues of the year 2024

Information about the LichtWesen® annual mix 2024 by Dr. Petra Schneider

Annual mix 2024

  • Blossoming, unfolding one's potential
  • Discovering the new
  • Stabilise yourself again and again, centre yourself and find your strength
  • Breaking down limitations
  • Releasing blocking expectations, thoughts and feelings
  • Connecting and using intuition and logical thinking
  • Strengthening the connection to supporting forces
  • Standing up for yourself and your values
  • Acting purposefully
  • Shaping one's life and the world consciously

What awaits us?

The year 2024 will be a year of renewal, of blossoming, of breakthrough. Having prepared ourselves for change in recent years, we can now discover and shape the new, in ourselves and in the world. This journey of discovery will enable us to do many things that will allow us to continue our research with wonder and joy. At the same time, the new will also bring challenges that will help us grow and expand our abilities. It is important to pause again and again, to orientate ourselves to what is at the moment and what is needed, to check the further steps with reason and intuition and then to act powerfully and purposefully.

In 2024, the vibrational frequency, intensity and speed will also be high. The energy is pushing. This leads to some people feeling overwhelmed and exhausted at times. Therefore, stability and grounding is important.

How does the Annual Blend 2024 support?

The energy of the Annual Blend 2024 and the apple green bead is gently strengthening and empowering. It supports blossoming and renewal and enables a breakthrough. At the same time it stabilises, centres and helps to be grounded. Limitations as well as blocking thoughts and expectations become conscious and can be overcome. One's own potential can unfold further and be used.

The energy of the spray and the 2024 bead also strengthens the connection between intuition and logical thinking and the connection to supportive, loving forces. This enables energy and purposeful action. One stands up for oneself and one's values and does not lose hope, even when things are difficult or look gloomy at the moment. This makes it possible to consciously shape life and the world.

In the 2024 year blend (energy spray and bead), Elohim Yellow, Red and Crystalline, Zadkiel, Gabriel, Christ, Helion, Kamakura, Sun and Tree work.

How the individual energies work:

To blossom, to renew, to unfold one's potential.

  • Zadkiel: Blossoming, recognising how to use one's potential
  • Helion: To let the inner light shine
  • Sun: Becoming aware of the inner glow
  • Elohim yellow: Access to the knowledge of the soul and to abilities not yet used

Breakthrough, releasing blockades, standing up for oneself

  • Christ: Standing up for oneself, having a backbone, natural authority
  • Kamakura: Self-confidence, keeping one's eye on the goal, not letting oneself be distracted.
  • Gabriel: Letting go of the old, turning towards the new
  • Zadkiel: Release blockades, integrate parts of your being
  • Helion: Be self-confident, don't hide your light under a bushel
  • Sun: Don't let yourself be blocked by self-doubt, pessimism and pessimism

Stability, grounding, getting a foothold

  • Elohim Red: Activating inner strength, endurance and support, "I am" presence
  • Tree: Stability, grounding

Connecting intuition and logical thinking

  • Elohim Yellow: Connecting knowledge and inner wisdom, joy in learning
  • Elohim Crystalline: Connecting intuition and reason, access to higher consciousness
  • Tree: Connecting earthly and spiritual level

Shaping one's life and the world consciously

  • Zadkiel: recognising how one wants to and can shape one's life
  • Kamakura: Purposeful action, realising ideas and projects
  • Gabriel: Recognising and using the positive aspects of change, strengthens joy.
  • Sun: Drive and joie de vivre, joyfully overcoming challenges.
  • Helion: Have confidence in yourself

The energy of the year's blend is available as an energy spray and in an apple-green-gold LichtWesen bead. The bead has a permanent effect while it is worn. The Annual Blend 2024 and the bead can also be used in the years to come, especially in situations where we need support in situations of change and to further develop our individual abilities and use them optimally.

Application of the essence: Apply once or several times a day, fan or spray into the aura and into the energy centres. You can also put the energy spray into the oral cavity. The year blend can be combined well with other LichtWesen essences.

General information about the energy of the year

Every year has challenges that apply to all people. The Year Blend helps to overcome them. It can be used throughout the year or specifically in the phases where you need support. The 2024 themes are current from October 2023. From October 2023 to March 2024, the energies of both years overlap. Therefore, it can make sense to use both year blends during this time, even at the same time. In addition to the overarching energy of the year, there are additional themes that are current for a few weeks at a time. In the "Energy of Time" by Petra Schneider in the LichtWesen Infoblog you will find a description of the current situation and which energies then have an additional supporting effect.