Hero´s journey

Personal development as a hero's journey - how we can use this perspective


Your own development is a hero's journey

How we can utilize the findings of the hero's journey for ourselves

Myths all over the world follow the same process, as Professor Joseph Campbell discovered. He called this process the Hero's Journey.

But not only the heroes of myths are on a hero's journey. Those who embark on a new phase of life, who face inner and outer challenges and develop spiritually are also on a hero's journey. Ultimately, our whole life is a hero's journey. We go through the same phases and challenges as the heroes of the myths. If we know the phases of this journey, we can make our lives easier and consciously look for the right support.

Departure into the unknown - The Call

The hero's journey begins by leaving the familiar state. The everyday routine is broken. This is forced by external circumstances such as your own illness, the illness or death of someone close to you, separation, quarrel, redundancy. Or through a conscious decision to change one's life, to realize one's dreams, to try out or start something new, a new job, a new position, marriage. But the decision to develop oneself, to unfold one's personality, to live one's true nature or to immerse oneself in being - also known as awakening or enlightenment - is also the beginning of a hero's journey. Campbell calls this phase the CALL: The call to change, to adventure.

Inner resistance

Neither the heroes of the myths nor we are enthusiastic about embarking on an adventure. There is usually an inner resistance. We don't want to give up the familiar. We don't want our lives to change. We get into situations where everything inside us resists moving on. We are afraid. We feel tired, exhausted and reach our limits. Sometimes even the body reacts with the familiar stress symptoms of fight (against the change, against those who are upsetting our lives), flight (the urge to run away or not react to the challenge and deal with side issues) or paralysis (feeling paralyzed, seeing the difficulty but unable to act).

But the course of life goes on. Life changes, even if we fight it or flee or do nothing. If we internalize this, it is the first step towards making things easier for ourselves. Because our lives are always changing. Time and again, we are forced to take developmental steps. The quicker we can accept them and perhaps even develop a certain curiosity or even a desire to discover what is beginning, the less energy we lose to resistance or defence. The easier and perhaps more joyful the journey can begin.

Resources - skills and experience

The upcoming challenge is not the first in our lives. Consciously or unconsciously, we have already mastered many steps on our development path. But we often forget what we have already achieved or what we have learnt. But these are precisely our treasures, the resources we already have to master the new. It is therefore advisable to become aware of our experiences and strengths. Remember: What challenges and crises have I already overcome? What was it like back then, what phases did I go through? What feelings and thoughts did I have? What helped me? How did I gain strength? How did I continue when I thought I couldn't go on, I was giving up, I couldn't cope? What skills did I use?

Some people find it difficult to recognize their own strengths and abilities. That is why it is worth asking other people about them and adding them to your collection of resources for overcoming crises.

It is helpful to write down your findings on index cards or pieces of paper - then you only need to bring them out again the next time you face a challenge. You can add to them over time with new experiences. With these cards or pieces of paper, you can visualize what you have already mastered and what strengths you have. Unfortunately, our memory works in an evolutionary way so that it remembers the situations in which we have failed or which did not end as we had hoped - so that we recognize dangers more quickly. Our memory likes to sweep the strengths we have, the skills we have developed, under the carpet so that we don't become careless.

Helpers - humans and ethereal beings

On his journey, the hero gathers companions, people who stand by his side, who give him helpful hints and advice, who fight with him. We also have such companions and friends. We often don't think about this during the crisis. That's why it's helpful to ask: Who can help you in this situation? These can be friends, but also professional counsellors.

And there are also spiritual helpers, subtle beings or energies that we can contact, that we can ask for help, whose powers we can integrate. These can be angels or saints, color rays, forces from mythology or nature beings. People on the spiritual path often have several entities that they ask for support, with whom they have had experiences. It is worth researching the different cultures for suitable supporters. Ultimately, the names of the entities are only a bridge to an inner power that we carry within us, a quality behind the image. Archangel Michael, Mahakala, Ganesha or Thor from Norse mythology can help us to "overcome obstacles".


At the end of his journey, the hero has won the treasure and brings it home. But he is no longer the same. He has matured, gained new experiences, skills and resources and has surpassed himself. A new balance is established in the organism. What we have learnt from the challenges and the developmental steps are integrated. In return, the hero is allowed to relax and recover.

Which LichtWesen products support

LichtWesen products are companions on the path of self-development. They provide support in various situations, crises and challenges, help to unfold inner abilities and strengths and ultimately to integrate experiences and recognize one's true nature.

The following are particularly suitable as support for the hero's journey:

At the beginning of the journey, but also during the challenge:

Lionheart (Löwenherz) - strengthens courage, confidence, the connection to inner wisdom

Power during the journey:

Heroic strength (Heldenkraft) - overcoming inner and outer limitations, being realistic, expanding your perception - "all-round vision", allowing your inner strength to take effect on the outside, holding nothing back, surpassing yourself

Transform blocking experiences from the past:

Angelica to learn from past experiences and apply the insights to the current situation

Elohim violet - to transform restrictive, burdensome and disruptive structures down to the root

During integration:

I feel good (Ich fühle mich wohl) - to gain a new inner balance, to feel good