Overcome fear of flying

According to a recent study, one in four feels uncomfortable on air travel. LichtWesen© offers help.

Which triggers the fear of flying and how it can be defeated

Fear of flying ranges from an indefinite unpleasant feeling to anxiety - also known as aviophobia respective aerophobia- with massive panic attacks. Not only the flight itself becomes torture; the fear of flying spoils the anticipation of the holiday. The idea of having to fly to the next business meeting then creates discomfort.

“My fear of flying was suddenly there, even though I've been traveling a lot with airplanes for years." That also happens, especially when you are under heavy stress because of your personal, family or professional life situation. The consequences are just as unpleasant as the fear of flying that has always been there.

Symptoms of fear of flying

  • Thoughts are circling and it's hard to focus on anything else.
  • The heart is beating wildly.
  • You want to escape the situation, but you have to force yourself to stay. The inner struggle costs energy and exhaustion.
  • The body reacts with wet hands, diarrhea, urination, soft knees, nausea, palpitations, tremors, dizziness, sometimes even chest tightness and shortness of breath.
  • One is afraid to die.
  • You cannot sleep for days or even weeks.

Some people tell us that flying is the safest way to travel. The likelihood of car accidents is much higher. This is confirmed by the figures of the Federal Statistical Office. Nevertheless, we get into the car without thinking about it. Unfortunately, this argument does not help us with fear of flying. Why?

One reason for this is that while driving we have the steering wheel in our hands and - seemingly - keep it under control. When we are a co-driver, we know or see the driver. When flying we do not see the pilots and we are helplessly delivered to them. We have nothing in our hands and we cannot do anything.

Also, the fear of closed rooms (claustrophobia), fear of heights and open or public places (agoraphobia) can be reasons that one is afraid to get on the plane.

What physically happens in fear of flying?

What physically happens in fear of flying is sufficiently investigated, because the fear reaction always runs off the same way: our brain stem is put on alert and hormones activate the fighting, the getaway or paralysis reflex. This is a purely physical reaction that Reflex, which runs automatically in case of threat. Since the brain stem controls us unconsciously, the reaction cannot be stopped by conscious thoughts in the cerebrum. Some take drugs or herbal remedies. The LichtWesen©- spray has an energetic effect. That is, it releases the energetic blockages by an energetic impulse. It is therefore without chemical agents, is easy to apply as it is sprayed on, and in some cases, it is very calming. (How energetic products work can be found here.)

What energetically happens in fear of flying?

Not only the physical body reacts in fear of flying, also the energy system is involved. (Explanations of the energy system can be found here.) When the life energy in our body flows harmoniously and supplies us well, we are stable and feel well. But blockages in the energy system, which are triggered and activated only in certain situations, result in an energetic undersupply, which can trigger physical symptoms.

Blockages in the energy system are the result of unpleasant and painful experiences of the past that we have made ourselves or that we have taken from others.

For example, many mothers are overconfident that their child might fall. First, from the changing table, later from the climbing frame or tree. Even if the child never falls somewhere, it can sense the mother's fear and take her over. But also sentences like "Do not run so fast or you will fall!" are the basis for the fear of falling. Of course, having one's own experiences has an even greater effect on the fear of falling or crashing.

The topics of "trust" and loss of control play a major role in fear of flying. There are also unpleasant experiences that can lead to energetic blockages. Every child has experienced situations in which they have felt alone and helpless and thus became mortally afraid.

Fortunately, not every child takes on such fears and phrases. But if they are taken over, they do not have to be immediately visible. For some, they only become effective in old age and only then lead to symptoms.

Some psychologists include the fear of falling among the primeval fears and primeval fears are rooted in the energy system.

Help with fear of flying

How does the LichtWesen©-spray “dissolve fear of flying”?

The LichtWesen©-energy spray “DISSOLVE FEAR OF FLYING starts exactly at the point of the described energetic disturbances. It releases the blockage, so that the life energy flows again harmoniously and sufficiently. This allows the body to relax. Man calms down. How fast that happens varies from person to person.

Testers report that they felt a relaxing change at first use. Therefore, it is worthwhile to try the spray.

A user reports on his experiences with the LichtWesen©-energy spray “DISSOLVE FEAR OF FLYING”:

I have always been scared of flying and my friend always had to travel alone. Not any ten horses brought me on the plane. Then we had to fly to a family party and my friend gave me the LichtWesen©-energy spray “DISSOLVE FEAR OF FLYING”. Well, what's the point, I thought. For the sake of my friend, I have used it nevertheless. And I was stunned, because I could easily get on the plane and was not afraid during the flight. Since then we have often flew together on vacations.

The LichtWesen©-energy spray “DISSOLVE FEAR OF FLYING” may be used ahead of time to prepare for upcoming flights. But even if you do not plan a plane trip in the near future, but want to solve the energetic causes of the fear of flying you may apply The LichtWesen©-energy spray “DISSOLVE FEAR OF FLYING”.

More tips to beat the fear of flying

Fear, also fear of flying, is a stress reaction. What you can do to support relaxation:

  • Hum - relaxes the brain stem
  • Focus the breathing on exhaling - also relaxing for the brain stem
  • If possible, move - even small movements of the legs and feet help, as well as loosen the shoulders and circling
  • Listen to a guided meditation that calms you
  • Autogenic training - for example, the practice of allowing body parts successively to become heavy (right foot, left foot, right leg, left leg, right arm, ...). Speak to yourself: "The right foot becomes heavy. The left foot becomes heavy. …”. Once you have gone through all the body parts, you start all over again.
  • Meditation - e.g. concentrate on the breath and consciously observe the breath. Whenever you realize that your thoughts are galloping away, just return to conscious breathing.
  • Important during the flight: drink enough, ideally water. We recommend at least 0.5 liters of water per hour of flight duration. Due to the dry air on board, the body loses water, which also means stress.