Vacillating between vigor and exhaustion (Energy of the time 3/2025)
- Entering new spaces
- Being flexible and yet focused
- Enduring uncertainty
- Alternating between drive and exhaustion
- Dissolving restrictive structures
- Invisible inner change
- Use feelings of frustration for transformation
- Intuition and creativity are enhanced
- Recognize possibilities
- Being grounded
- Entering new spaces, being flexible and purposeful, enduring uncertainty
In March, the energy helps that visions for our lives become clearer and hearts desires to become conscious. We also recognize what we can do to make them reality. We have the opportunity to take up new ideas in many areas and set a new course for our lives.
For this I got the image of walking through a door and entering a new room. When we enter a new room, we first have to get orientated: What does the room look like, what is in the room, who is there, what is possible? It is helpful to take the same view at everyday life: what new opportunities are there, what do I want and what do I need to master challenges and take advantage of opportunities?
Although important encounters, clarifications and decisions are taking place. But it is still unclear how things will develop and what will emerge. As already described for February, we have to endure this uncertainty. We need patience. Nevertheless, we need to set the course and make decisions, be clear about what we want and that the decisions can be interim solutions (supporting No. 36 Water). Sometimes we should have the courage to express our wishes and concerns.
Creating order - inside and in our environment - is also helpful (supporting energy spray “becoming effortless”).
Visions, wishes and decisions should be checked again and again to see whether they still fit. It is a balancing act between being creative and flexible and moving forward with courage and purpose, going with the flow of life.
Intuition and inner wisdom help us to make decisions, especially because it is unpredictable what will develop. We also become aware of the connection between our ideas, expectations and imprints and the reactions and behaviors that arise from them on the outside. We can observe this in ourselves and in others. (supporting No. 20 Aeolus). By transforming our inner limiting structures, we open ourselves up to possibilities that we were previously unable to see or dismissed as unattainable. Attitudes and perspectives change and therefore new possibilities show up. Wishes and dreams can become reality.
- Drive and exhaustion
February was an emotional rollercoaster for many. Feeling energetic and powerful could suddenly turn into exhaustion and a lack of energy without any external cause or reason. Feelings could also change abruptly - first loving, understanding, sometimes happy for no reason and then angry, annoyed, intolerant, sad. Often there was also fear “in the air”. For some, the body took a time due to symptoms and illnesses.
This rollercoaster will continue in March. We need time for ourselves, time for rest and time out.
If we are aware that these emotional fluctuations are in the air, we can deal with them more easily. Then we can also decide how we react on the outside without being influences through moods (supporting energy no. 36 Water). We can consciously plan periods of rest in which we look inwards and give space to the inner wisdom and massages from the soul.
- Intuition and creativity are enhanced, recognize possibilities
Intuition, the connection to inner wisdom and the soul is strengthened. Connecting again and again with the inner light and our true being helps us to perceive the massages clearly. We then gain a better understanding of what is happening. And we receive impulses and guidance for decisions and the future.
Before we make decisions, before we take steps, before we make things happen we should pay attention to our intuition. Meditation or a walk in nature can also help to perceive the impulses of the inner wisdom (supporting energy no. 36 Water).
- Dissolving restrictive structures, inner change, use feelings of frustration for transformation
In March, the strong power of transformation helps us to free ourselves from limiting ideas, feelings, behaviors and imprints. We can use feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction with ourselves and the fact that nothing seems to be progressing or that nothing of that what we want is happening for transformation. Also we can use feelings of being a victim and of worrying to dissolve the blockages. Whenever we realize that unpleasant feelings are dominating us, we can transform them. To do this, we can express the feelings and anger - just to ourselves, without a listener - or reduce them through activities such as clearing and cleaning the environment or sporting activities. If we simultaneously allow transformative energy to flow into the feelings, limiting structures are dissolved (supporting energy spray “becoming effortless” and No. 36 Water). This allows that past situations are seen in a new light. We recognize how they have served us, what positive things have developed as a result of the seemingly negative events and we can make peace with the past.
Healing and change often take place unnoticed, “below the surface”. These inner processes cost energy. They are one reason why we sometimes feel exhausted and tired. We then have the feeling that we are not focused, that we are living like through a veil. The lack of energy can create a feeling of listlessness, lack of drive and being easily annoyed.
The transformation and healing energy supports us to be ready for the new, for new possibilities and opportunities (supportive energy spray “becoming effortless”).
- Being grounded
As in previous months, the energy vibration is high. Especially those who are sensitive sometimes feel overwhelmed, drained, confused, dizzy. It is still important to take good care of yourself, to pay attention to what your body needs, what is good for you, to keep grounding yourself, to center yourself, to feel your body, to breathe consciously, to pay attention to the massages of the body. Through this we can sometimes prevent the body from forcing us to rest due to discomfort or illness.
Meditation: Imagine that you consciously enter a new room. You walk through the door into the new room and look around. In your own way, you can perceive what the room looks like. What is in it? Perhaps there is a colored light that envelops you with love and strength.
There are beings, spiritual entities and perhaps also people in the room who are lovingly at your side. You can allow a connection so that you are supported by the beings in the room.
The energy of the room also strengthens the connection to your inner wisdom, to higher levels of consciousness and to your soul. You may receive a hint, a message or a gift.
You also can do this meditation on a topic or situation or when you need to make a decision. By going into the images, you connect energetically with the supporting forces.
Supporting LichtWesen Energies:
Nr. 36 Water – go with the flow, transforming hidden blockages, opening up to new possibilities
Leichter werden (becoming effortless) – recognizing and letting go of limiting ideas and expectations, healing, creating order
Nr. 20 Aeolus - recognize the connection between inner feelings and thoughts and outer ongoings, self-exploration