Dive into the new energy (Energy of the time 1/2025)

Setting the course, transformation, strengthen your inner peace - these are the current topics


  • A new energy beginns
  • Setting the course and setting sails
  • Strengthen your inner peace
  • Do not allow yourself to be provoked
  • The powerful transformation continues
  • Rediscover yourself
  • The body goes into a higher vibration


  • Dive into the new energy

The energy already changed in December and it will continue to change throughout the year. The powerful, fiery energy pushes us forward and opens up many new possibilities. We can continue to rise up into our true being, free from the limitations of preconceptions and ideas, free from entanglements. Just like last year, we can grow beyond ourselves and rediscover ourselves.

The energy gives us the strength to take responsibility for ourselves and our lives, to consciously shape our lives, to stand up for ourselves and to open ourselves up to happiness, love and a fulfilled life. The views, perspectives and therefore also the experiences and events that happen in our lives change.

Despite uncertainty or because it is not yet clear what is coming, we should learn to wait calmly and patiently until clarity has emerged, until we receive a clear impulse, until we can make a decision. It is helpful to go step by step: What comes next? What needs to be done now? What can develop from this? What should I be prepared for?

But change also means uncertainty. They can cause fear. So we must (continue to) learn to deal with uncertainty. For example, we see fears as an adrenaline-filled excitement of the new, of an unknown challenge. This makes life easier.

When we have the courage to unfold ourselves, to let our inner light shine, we are like a lighthouse for others. We give others the courage to change, to release limitations, to rediscover themselves and to dare to change their own lives. With this also their surroundings and the world changes (supporting LichtWesen energy annual mix 2025).

  • Setting the course and setting sails

I was given two images for January - the image of setting the course and giving the train on the rails a push and the image of setting sail.

Back in December, the energy helped us to develop visions for 2025 by looking back at what we experienced, developed and learned in 2024. This energy is also supporting us at the beginning of the month: What is important to me? What gives me pleasure? What does no longer fit? What do I want to stop? What meaning should my life have? What do I want to stand up for and take responsibility for? What makes my life rich? What gifts and abilities do I want to (further) develop and contribute to the community? (supporting LichtWesen energy Annual mix 2025).

Through these questions and by connecting ourselves with the energy of the soul or with what we want to live, the visions and goals for 2025 become clearer. Through our alignment with the visions and goals we set the course and give “ the train a push that runs on the (life) rails”. The energy of January and of the rest of the year supports the realization of the visions.

This is where the image of “setting sails” fits. If we keep our visions and goals in mind, we have set our sails and set our (life) boat on course. The strong energy of the year and the gifts of life then drive the boat forward. Goals are achieved, visions are realized. However, the image also shows that we need to remain flexible, adjust our sails again and again and, if necessary, set them into the wind again.

If the sails are not set or if they are not adjusted, the boat - and our lives - can get into a spin. Then it becomes exhausting. That's why it's worth checking your visions, wishes and goals again and again throughout the year - starting in January - to see what still fits or what has changed as a result of your own development, life's events and gifts (supporting LichtWesen energy Annual mix 2025).

It is helpful to write down your visions, goals and wishes so that you can check again and again over the next few months to see what still fits and what has changed.

  • Strengthen inner peace, do not allow yourself to be provoked

As already mentioned, the energy in January is powerful and sometimes fiery and explosive. This can be used as a boost for activities, but can also lead to tension and therefore to conflicts, dispute and power struggles. If we are aware of this, it is easier not to be provoked or not to provoke others. It is then easier to present our concerns objectively, without assignment of guilt. It is easier to see our own emotional injuries and the traumas of others and to act neutrally and purposefully despite the inner turmoil.

However, we can also use this difficult situations to strengthen our inner peace and liberate ourselves further. Confrontations are an opportunity to recognize which injuries and disappointments have been touched. We can see why anger, resentment, the feeling of being hit, of wanting to strike back or sadness and resignation show up. Than we are able to send healing energy into this wounds (supporting LichtWesen energy Elohim magenta). When we focus on our own healing, completely new ways of reacting emerge. Or we react differently and are surprised by it ourselves. We get ideas about what a peaceful solution could look like.

It is supportive to allow the energy of the heart to heal us (see meditation below).

  • The powerful transformation continues

Grief and disappointment were “in the air” in November and December. Blocking structures and experiences were released through the transformation and healing energy. This powerful transformation energy continues to work so that we can continue to be liberated. Even if it is always painful to be confronted with the wounds of the past, we realize in retrospect that we have changed, that we have become free and now react differently than before. Other perspectives are possible. We discover more and more our true nature and what a liberated life looks like (supporting LichtWesen energy Elohim magenta).

  • Rediscover yourself

In January the liberated inner being, the inner light that has come through the transformational power and work of recent months, is integrated and stabilized. Especially if you were disoriented and couldn't see what you wanted to do with your life and how things could go on, January shows opportunities for development.

The possibilities show up! January is not yet the month in which we should commit ourselves. We should continue to be open to what emerges and what develops. We can experiment, we can send impulses and questions to the inner wisdom, to the soul, to the higher levels of consciousness and observe what arises as a result (supporting LichtWesen energy “Rediscovering myself – mich neu entdecken”).

  • The body goes into a higher vibration

The energy of January and the coming months raises the body to a higher vibrational level. For some people, this means that they perceive impulses from other vibrational areas or that these messages become clearer or that the access to new vibrational areas opens up. However, the high vibration can also make you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, drained, confused, disoriented, despondent, anxious or dizzy and the body reacts with pain in its weak points. Therefore it is important to ground yourself, to center yourself and to see what nourishes you and what your body needs to feel good, to remain stable - such as breathing consciously and deeply into your belly, anchoring yourself in your inner center, a good mix of being still and moving, meditation and exercises, being in nature, dancing, sports (supporting LichtWesen energy “Entfaltung und Stabilität - development and stability”).

Meditation: Connect with your energetic heart and imagine that your heart is like a bowl that is connected to the primordial vibration of love. The heart bowl fills itself with heart power from the inexhaustible primordial vibration.

Then imagine that you place yourself in this bowl and that the heart energy envelops you, carries you, protects you, gives you security, nourishes you, heals you and transforms emotional wounds, blockages and entanglements. Allow the heart energy to fill your entire energy system - the subtle bodies, the chakras and the energy lines - and your entire physical body, down to every area of the body and every single cell.

You can do this meditation also briefly in between.

Supportive LichtWesen energies:

Annual mix 2025 - clear visions and insights, moving forward unwaveringly, centering yourself in powerful peace

Rediscover myself (mich neu entdecken) - discover the unknown in yourself, redesign your life, dare to try new things

Elohim magentaliberation and transformation

Development and stability (Entfaltung und Stabilität) - stabilize yourself, adapt to higher vibrations