Creation Ray Red – No. 72

The Red Creation Ray is the ray of manifestation and stability. Its topic is dynamic power.


  • strength and endurance,
  • life conviction and vitality,
  • panache and dynamism,
  • powers of self-assertion.

The Red Creation Ray

lends us the strength, energy, endurance and discipline we need to implement creation's impulses and visions. It strengthens our willpower and thus also helps us to pursue our goals persistently. The Red Creation Ray connects us to the power of the earth and stabilises our body. In this way it supports our body's healing processes. In periods where we are experiencing an increase in vibrations, the red ray helps our body to maintain stability or to regain stability more quickly. It brings about a beneficial change in our ethereal vibration level, especially in times of change, of growth and during intense energetical work.
The Red Creation Ray reinforces self-confidence and self-awareness. This makes it easier to let go of any sense of victimisation and to take life into our own hands.

Additional notes on the LichtWesen Creation Ray sprays and crystals

The Red Creation Ray has the number 72. It gives us power and energy. One user called this the 'charging device among the Creation Rays'. She remarked that the red ray can also make us overactive, leading to us always being busy with something. Some people cannot sleep when they apply this ray in the evening or wear it at night. Children can tend to hyperactivity.
The Red Creation Ray can also be beneficial during healing work because it activates our body's power of healing. However, it should not be used for inflammations or on hot areas.
The Red Creation Ray also reinforces our perception of our body and its needs. Some users could better cope with physical stress. After using the essence, one woman reported that her constant feeling of hunger disappeared and she could eat normally again.

Exercise for this topic

Invite the Red Creation Ray to join you and request it to stabilise you are at all levels of your being. This is easier to do if you label a sheet of paper for each level and lay them in front of you like the rungs of a ladder: one for the divine spark within you, one sheet for your highest consciousness, one for the higher self, one for your aura bodies, one for the energy channels, one sheet for the physical structures, and another for the connection to Earth. Walk from rung to rung and request the Red Creation Ray to stabilise these areas, while linking them together in a stronger and more harmonious way.


Classic essences: Impatiens
Australian Bush Flower Essences: Dynamis Essence 
Messages from Nature (Botschaften der Natur) essences (Maui, Baum, ...): Tahiti Ginger, Nea Kameni
PHI essences: Aggression Orchid, Heart Orchid
Gemstone Essences:  Hematite, Ruby