Creation Ray Green – No. 71

The Green Creation Ray embodies the principle of health at all levels.


  • healing,
  • being nourished,
  • growing,
  • restoring balance.

The Green Creation Ray

provides a healing stimulus so that deficits are evened out and balance is restored in our body structures. This ray heals all Creation’s beings and structures, from the earthly structure right to the highest vibrational levels. It nourishes us and gives us the energy to grow. It leads to a stable equilibrium and balances out discrepancies. With its powers we can also become healthy and whole.

Additional notes on the LichtWesen Creation Ray sprays and crystals

The Green Creation Ray has the number 71. Users report that they apply the Green Creation Ray to support healing, with its power being particularly beneficial for chronic illnesses or those whose causes lay in the distant past. Combining this ray with Blue or Pink has proven to be beneficial.

Exercise for this topic

Invite the Green Creation Ray to join you and request it to surround you. Then choose a point or region in your body that needs support or healing and as you breathe in let the vital power of the Green Creation Ray flow into this area. Hold your breath in for a moment and visualise the healing power you have breathed in forming into a sphere. As you breathe out, the energy in this sphere is spread evenly throughout that particular area of your body, supporting its own inherent healing power. Repeat this several times. You can perform this exercise several times a day if desired. And you can also modify it to let energy flow into several areas.


Messages from Nature (Botschaften der Natur) essences (Maui, Baum, ...): Cistrose, Johannisbrotbaum, Mittagsblume
Gemstone Essences:  Malachite, Emerald