Creation Ray Yellow – No. 68

The Yellow Creation Ray provides vital energy to the whole of creation – from the highest level of creation down to the earthly manifestations – which it needs to unfold and manifest the variety which is possible.


  • vitality and vital energy,
  • developing ourselves and blossoming,
  • delight and vital desire,
  • knowledge and wisdom.

The Yellow Creation Ray

gives us vitality and vital desire, ensuring we enjoy the process of blossoming and realising our highest potential. This power can be felt in the rays of the sun, providing life with the energy it needs to grow. So the Yellow Creation Ray can also be beneficial on grey days or during periods of ‘winter depression (SAD)’ by compensating for the lack of sunlight. The Yellow Creation Ray is also the ray of knowledge and wisdom. It strengthens our connection to inner wisdom and all knowledge available to us. It assists us to see through procedures and effects, understanding the context and wider connections. In addition, it also enhances the pleasure we find in learning and discovery, resolving any blockages we may have regarding this.

Additional notes on the LichtWesen Creation Ray sprays and crystals

The Yellow Creation Ray has the number 62. Users report that with the Yellow Creation Ray they become more joyful and serene. In situations where they felt ponderous, discouraged or just ‘down in the dumps’, users reported finding hope again and discovering new possibilities. It also had beneficial effects during periods of depression.
Many users also used the Yellow Creation Ray to get a ‘clear head’.

Supportive exercise

Put on some of your favourite music  – it can be lively and rhythmical or quiet and calm. Then move with this music: dance the joy of life.


Classic essences: Gentian, Gorse, Mustard, Sweet Chestnut
Australian Bush Flower Essences:  Sunshine Wattle, Cognis essence
Messages from Nature (Botschaften der Natur) essences (Maui, Baum, ...): Wattle
PHI essences: Dill, Joyful Opuntia
Cereal Essences: GTP Lernessenz / Learning Essence