Integration Earth – No. 34

Earth belongs to the IntegrationEnergy essences and to the yellow Colour Ray. The topic of Earth is stamina and patience.


  • perseverance,
  • consistency,
  • patience,
  • concentration,
  • being nourished.

The power of IntegrationEnergy Earth

nourishes us, offering firm support and structure. At the same time it connects us with the nourishing energy of the Earth. In this way, we support our body’s powers of self-healing. The IntegrationEnergy Earth teaches us consistency, stamina, perseverance, composure and patience. It helps us to recognise whether we really want changes and when it is the right time to act.

Additional notes on this LichtWesen essence

Earth has the number 34. Helps in situations where we need grounding or where we feel despair at worldly life. Users report this essence helping them to become quieter and more centred.

Exercise for this topic

If possible, find a place in a meadow or on a lawn where you can stand with bare feet. If you are in doors, imagine the grass under your feet. Then begin to walk slowly and consciously. When you raise one foot, breathe in, and when you set it down, breathe out. Take care to be fully aware of the Earth under your feet. Now invite the power of the Earth and as you breathe in imagine how this power fills your whole body. As you breathe out, allow anything that is burdening you to flow out into the Earth – where it will be transformed. Request the Earth Angel Earth to stabilise the connection between you and the Earth in a loving way.

More on the IntegrationEnergy.


Classic essences: Clematis, Olive
Australian Bush Flower Essences: Red Lily 
Messages from Nature (Botschaften der Natur) essences (Maui, Baum, ...): Hapu'u, Olivenbaum, Mittagsblume
PHI essences: Olive
Gemstone Essences:  Pyrite
Cereal Essences: GTP Körperliche Stabilität / Physical Stability
Other: Mountain essences