Integration Sun – No. 33

Sun belongs to the IntegrationEnergy essences and to the gold Colour Ray. The topic of Sun is letting our inner light shine.


  • zest for life,
  • letting our inner light shine,
  • delight and joviality,
  • abundance.

The power of IntegrationEnergy Sun

makes our inner sun shine. This essence reinforces our delight and joviality. Even on grey days we find it easier to be cheerful and in a good mood. It helps us to recognise how joyful life can be. Sun cleanses our cells and floods them with light. It reinforces the divine spark within us, helping this spark to expand and become more visible. In this way, right down to each single cell we become aware that we are part of the divine and a reflection of divine power and beauty.

Additional notes on this LichtWesen essence

Sun has the number 33. Often used on grey days, or during November depressions. Helps to make getting out of bed easier and to begin the day in a cheerfully sunny way.

Exercise for this topic

Sit or lie down comfortably, and imagine it is a sunny day and you are lying on an airbed floating on a lake or in a swimming pool. You can feel that warming rays of the sun on your body, you smell the fresh aroma of the water, and you can hear the gentle sounds of water lapping on the lakeside or edges of the swimming pool. There is a gentle breeze on your skin and above you the endless sky is deep and blue. As you feel the warmth of the sun, its rays gently reach deep within your body. They also caress the soles of your feet, the tips of your toes and bridge of your foot. With the warmth of the sun reaching your cells and tissue, your body relaxes more and more. It becomes very comfortably warm. The rays of the sun continue to caress your whole body from head to toe.
Finally, request the energy of the Earth Angel Sun to stabilise this comfortable, relaxed condition of your body. This meditation can also be carried out when having a bath. Then you can add a few drops of the essence into your hot bath water and imagine how the warmth fills and relaxes your body.

More about IntegrationEnergy.


Classic essences: Gorse
Messages from Nature (Botschaften der Natur) essences (Maui, Baum, ...): Golden Aura Orchid, Guava, Wattle, Margerite
PHI essences: Petticoat Daffodil
Gemstone Essences:  Topaz