Integration Tree – No. 32

Tree belongs to the IntegrationEnergy essences and to the green Colour Ray. The topic of Tree is growth.


  • growth,
  • aligning earthly and cosmic energy,
  • grounding,
  • stability,
  • harmonisation.

The IntegrationEssence Tree

helps us to be grounded while remaining connected to higher levels of consciousness. It harmonises the flow of earthly and cosmic energy within our body. In this way we can remain upright and stable in every situation, recognising what we need to feel well, to grow and to be nourished (this includes our body). We feel vital, powerful and better able to withstand life's storms.

Additional notes on this LichtWesen essence

Tree has the number 32. The energy balance in our body can improve, with cold hands and feet becoming warm. This essence helps us to root or ground ourselves and at the same time be connected to the higher levels of consciousness. It is beneficial for plants too. It helps them to grow and become strong – use a few drops when watering. Some users report that cut flowers stay fresh longer.

Exercise for this topic

Immerse yourself in an image of a strong tree standing in the tranquillity and clarity of a summer evening. Its roots, which are anchored firmly in the ground, give it a firm support and supply it with water and nutrients. The trunk is the stable, static axis connecting heaven and earth. The crown of the tree with its leaves is directed to the light. You might be able to recognise which species of tree it is.
Now request the IntegrationEnergy Tree to take the stability of a tree and its connection to both heaven and earth, and then integrate these within you.

More about IntegrationEnergy.


Messages from Nature (Botschaften der Natur) essences (Maui, Baum, ...): Petrified Wood, Mammutbaum, Flieder