Archangel Uriel – No. 22

Uriel belongs to the Archangels and to the red Colour Ray. The topic of Uriel is manifesting visions.


  • manifesting visions,
  • recognising the creation plan and our own creative power,
  • vigour and decisiveness,
  • finding structure, healing by means of ordered structures,
  • listening to the wisdom of the body,
  • recognising what our body needs.

The power of the Archangel Uriel

helps to manifest visions in harmony with the whole. As guardian of order and matter, Uriel teaches us to master the material world and re-connect with the divine order. In this way, we also gain more awareness in everyday routines. As a supporter of the physical body, Uriel brings mind, body and soul into harmony. It enhances our ability to listen to the wisdom of our body and strengthens the connection between the physical and the ethereal body. its power also lets us recognise what our body (as manifestation of spirit) needs in order to achieve a natural, powerful, healthy state. Its power increases our zest for life, confidence and cheerfulness.

Additional notes on this LichtWesen essence

Uriel has the number 22. The essence has proven to be beneficial if something we ate is hard to digest and lying heavy on our stomach or simply when we are feeling ‘stuffed’. Positive experiences have also been made with the essence during colds or stressful situations.

Exercise for this topic

Choose a plant and look at it closely. Be aware of how this plant has grown. Roots developed from the little seeds. Then there was a sprout, shoot and leaves. The plants became larger, established themselves in their position and became the plants which were already present as an image within the seeds. Become aware of how this plant can develop into its full beauty and power. However, it might also grow much less than is possible, remaining small and frail.
Within you, too, there is also an image such as this – the image of fully realised potential. The way a small plant can host numerous opportunities and abilities. Now you can request help from Archangel Uriel to cultivate your potential and realise this in the earthly world.

More about the Archangels.


Australian Bush Flower Essences: Red Lily
Messages from Nature (Botschaften der Natur) essences (Maui, Baum, ...): Tahiti Ginger
PHI essences: Wild Rose hybrid
Cereal Essences: GTP9 Weizen / Wheat (everyday order)