Master Saint Germain – No. 15
- freedom,
- recognising emotional entanglements and liberating ourselves,
- seeing through behaviour and belief patterns,
- unravelling karmic entanglements,
- having a free choice,
The power of the Ascended Master Saint Germain
liberates us from the things that stop us from being free: outdated behaviour and thought patterns, false self-images, karmic entanglements, apparent dependencies, obstructive belief patterns. Emotional attachments are transformed. We recognise that we always have a free choice and whatever or however we choose, we always have to bear the consequences. After all, every decision and also every ‘not taking a decision’ has its consequences. If I choose freely, I can also choose to ‘not change’ the undesirable situation or behaviour (or to put off a change). In other words, I do not have to choose something new.
Saint Germain helps to recognise what opportunities we have and what consequences they could lead to. This can change our viewpoint so much that we can even laugh at ourselves and the traps we fell into. A new way of looking at things, a deeper understanding, and other ways of behaving all now become possible. We can decide to fully participate in the game of life, without becoming trapped in it and suffering from our own dramas.
Furthermore, it also becomes possible to see through the processes we use to create suffering and dramas. We recognise that there is a deep intensity of feeling within life’s dramas which then help us to feel alive. This might be the reason we keep on creating them. If we are free, then we can choose between ‘drama’ (here defined as more negative, with suffering) and ‘adventure’ (here defined as more positive) when we feel the desire for an experience of intensity.
Additional notes on this LichtWesen essence
Saint Germain has the number 15. Has proven to be beneficial during separation and periods of ‘lovesickness’. This essence also helps to change behaviour patterns we keep repeating even though we no longer want to behave that way.
Exercise for this topic
Invite the power of Saint Germain, apply the essence to your hands and fan it into your aura. Now imagine you are standing in front of a violet flame – the violet Flame of Transformation. Take a step into the flame, which will lovingly and pleasantly fill your whole body and energy system, freeing you from burdensome, out-of-date structures, concepts, expectations and behaviour patterns with its gently blazing power. Now you can very deliberately direct this violet flame to all the regions of your body where you feel discomfort or injuries. Finally, request the violet flame to send its beneficial effects into any situations in your life which are blocked or in need of change.
More about the Ascended Masters.
Classic essences: Red Chestnut, Walnut
Australian Bush Flower Essences: Freshwater Mangrove
Messages from Nature (Botschaften der Natur) essences (Maui, Baum, ...): Ahinahina, Bamboo Orchid, Jacaranda, Milo, Wüstensand
PHI essences: Lavender
FES Flower Essences (California): Cosmos, Iris, Lavender
Gemstone Essences: Amethyst
Cereal Essences: GTP12 Buchweizen / Buckwheat (freedom)