Master Lady Nada – No. 12

Lady Nada belongs to the Ascended Masters and to the red and pink Colour Ray. The topic of Lady Nada is enjoying life and accepting ourselves.


  • enjoying life,
  • feeling welcome and accepted,
  • accepting ourselves with our light and shadow aspects,
  • accepting our body,
  • enjoying life with all our senses.

The power of the Ascended Master Lady Nada

makes us feel accepted, a feeling like being wrapped in a cosy warm coat. It helps us to feel comfortable in our body and to accept ourselves the way we are, including everything we reject in ourselves and everything we like. We feel loveable again and self-love increases. As a result we are able to feel the sensuality of the body more strongly and enjoy life more intensely. We have more desire to live fully. Our body becomes a temple for our soul.
It is also easier to accept other people the way they are.

Additional notes on this LichtWesen essence

Lady Nada has the number 12. A female user called this essence “the essence for the woman of delight” (who, of course, also lives in every man!). This essence is especially beneficial in an enjoyable bath or with a wellness massage. Some also use the essence in a beauty treatment by adding it to facial and body care products.
One user applied the Lady Nada essence whenever she went to a disco or party. She reported: “I am able to make contact much faster, especially with men. I find myself attractive – and men comment on my appearance, which never happened before.”

Exercise for this topic

Massage your ankle areas gently and lovingly. The region around the ankles is the region of self-love. This effect can be enhanced by using a few drops of the essence while massaging.

More about the Ascended Masters.


Australian Bush Flower Essences: Billy Goat Plum, Body Love Essence 
Messages from Nature (Botschaften der Natur) essences (Maui, Baum, ...): Plumeria, Kihapai, Almond Tree
PHI essences: Chocolate Orchid, Tibetan Mountain Rose
FES Flower Essences (California): Alpine Lilly