Collar jewellery for dogs, metal
Delivery Time: 1-3 Days
- specially for the relationship between dog and human,
- harmonises the cohabitation of dogs and humans; enhances mutual trust and devotion,
- energetic protection
This item of jewellery is “all-round protection” for your dog. It protects its energy system from burdensome and negative influences. At the same time, it harmonises the canine-human relationship. In situations where the human becomes stressed, this energy allows the dog to remain calm.
Dog Jewellery
Attach to the collar.
Michael, Maria, Erde, Lady Portia, Schöpfungsstrahlen gold, weiß, kristallin, Lapis Lazuli, Calzium, Mariendistel, Energie von Mutter Erde, Verbindung zum Wesenskern
Metall klein - Edelstahl, Länge ca. 23 mm
Metall groß - Edelstahl, Länge ca. 32 mm
Silber klein - Silber mit Zirkonia, Länge ca. 23 mm
Silber groß - Silber mit Zirkonia, Länge ca. 32 mm