Elohim Violet #61

Delivery Time: 1-3 Days
  • deep cleansing; transforms constricting, burdensome and disruptive structures right down to their roots,
  • resolves stressful experiences and trauma or karmic entanglements, even if we are not aware of them; liberates us from limitations and blockages,
  • transforms whatever is masking our true being
Grouped product items
Product name Qty
Elohim Violet tincture
€99.67 / 100 ml
61 - Violet Ray Elohim - tincture with colloidal gold
Elohim Violet oil
€360.00 / 100 ml
61 - Violet Ray Elohim - essential oil
61 - Violet Ray Elohim - body crystals


Violet is the colour of transformation. Elohim Violet transforms any structures that do not correspond to our true being. With this energy we can rid ourselves of influences, belief patterns and expectations of ourselves, which we have taken on from other people or which came about because of traumatic and karmic experiences. The essence liberates us from the physical to the soul levels, up to the highest vibrational level. It helps us to keep finding out more about the personality which we can become.

Users also noticed they could review and change feelings, habits and attitudes more effectively.

Has beneficial effects for our body’s cleansing processes.


  • Tincture spray: apply once or several times a day
  • Essential oil: in rooms
  • Crystal heart: wear on the body or as jewellery
  • Zirconia: jewellery pendant
  • Body crystals: for therapeutic use

Erhältlich als:

  • Tinktur: Aqua (Wasser), Ethanol (Weingeist), 30 ml (= 1 fl oz)
  • Ätherisches Öl: Reines ätherisches Lavendel-Öl, 10 ml (= 0,33 fl oz)
  • Zirkonia-Kombischmuck: ovaler Zirkonia in 925er Silber, ca. 13 x 16 mm, ca. 6 g
  • Körperkristalle: 1 Röhrchen mit ca. 25 Glaskristallen, Durchmesser ca. 4,8 mm, ca. 2 g

Unsere Kristalle unterliegen herstellungsbedingt und je nach Lichtverhältnissen Farbschwankungen. Die Darstellungen können daher farblich abweichen und sind nicht verbindlich.

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