Elohim Body Crystals

Delivery Time: 1-3 Days

intensive use of the ordering power of the Elohim

Body Crystals (diameter: 4.8 mm) with the Elohim energy


A small plaster, tape or the special body adhesive supplied can be used to stick the body crystals directly on the skin (on chakras, acupuncture points or just on painful areas)  or they can be carried next to the body in a small glass tube or cloth bag.

Topics of the colours
Blue - relaxation, cooling, peace, order
Yellow - delight, joviality, heating, vitality
Pink - security, acceptance, relieving emotional wounds
White - clarification, purification, further development
Green - regeneration, equilibrium, feeling at ease
Red - vital power, activation, stimulation
Violet - transformation, clarification right down to the roots, detoxification
Turquoise - flux, agility, liberating
Magenta - deep relaxation, connecting levels, connection to awareness
Gold - healing power, stability, male principle
Silver - protection, harmonising cycles, female principle
Crystalline - connection

 For further information on the Elohim please look in the Infoblog for “Elohim Essences”.


Body crystals

Stick body crystals with plaster, tape or body glue on the skin (chakras, acupuncture points or areas with discomfort. You can also wear them on the body in the small glass tube or in a small cloth bag.

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  1. kleine Kraftpakete die wahre Wunder vollbringen
    „Diese kleinen Kraftpakete sind wirklich begeisternd. Ich klebe sie überall hin, wo ich Schmerzen habe und das sind gerade ziemlich viele Stellen. In der Regel lassen die ... “
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