ArchangelEnergy tinctures - Set

Delivery Time: 1-3 Days

Set of all 9 ArchangelEnergies

tincture: water-alcohol 9 x 30 ml (= 9 x 1 fl oz)

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Topics of the Archangels

Uriel - putting visions into effect
Haniel - standing up straight and confidence
Chamuel - discarding ballast and harmonising relationships
Michael - protection and willpower
Gabriel - hope and delight
Raphael - recognising what is needed to become whole
Jophiel - integrating abilities
Zadkiel - blossoming and strengthening wisdom
Metatron - unmitigated consciousness and all-embracing love

Tincture spray

Apply once or several times a day 

  • onto parts of the body (for instance, on the pulse of the wrist, on the cervical spine area or on places with ailments),
  • into your aura or energy centres.
  • The tinctures can also be sprayed into the mouth cavity.
  • Also suitable as an addition to bathwater, to massage oils or to cosmetics such as shower gel and body lotion.
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