Quan Yin energy sphere #4

Delivery Time: 1-3 Days
  • Excessive control; letting go of feelings and thoughts we have been hanging onto
  • in cases of psychological or physical tension and cramps
  • tolerance and compassion

diameter of the sphere appr. 14 mm, with silver hanger

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This essence has proven to be beneficial when something physical or emotional is blocked or stuck, when we have a blocked nose, a cold, muscular tensions, hardened muscles or cramps. Also helpful when hanging onto something, e. g. after a loss). Beneficial experiences have also been seen in cases of lymph drainage, massage, when we have “had it up to here” with something, during detoxification, and for menstrual problems. Applying the essence can help make our tears flow more.

Quan Yin is associated with the Pink Colour Ray.

Also available as:

tincture (to spray on): water-alcohol (30 ml = 1 fl oz)

oil - scented (to rub onto skin/for massage): almond, sesame seed and sunflower seed oils, aroma: pure essential jasmine oil (30 ml = 1 fl oz)

Zirconia and Jewellery

  • As jewellery,
  • in a shirt pocket or trouser pocket

Glas, silberner Aufhänger, ca. 14 mm Durchmesser, ca. 6 g

Auch erhältlich als:

  • Tinktur (zum Aufsprühen): Wasser-Alkohol (30 ml = 1 fl oz.)
  • Öl mit Duft (zum Auftragen auf die Haut/für Massage): Mandel-, Sesam-, Sonnenblumenöl, Duft: Jasminöl (30 ml = 1 fl oz.)
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