Air #37

Delivery Time: 1-3 Days
  • communication; cognitive clarity; presence,
  • relaxing or ‘switching off’ and tuning in to the current situation; accepting change; making it easier for ourselves when we are feeling foggy,
  • being in the moment, ease and buoyancy
Grouped product items
Product name Qty
Air Tincture #37
€89.67 / 100 ml
37 - Air - IntegrationEnergy, tincture 30 ml
Air aroma spray
€89.67 / 100 ml
37 - Air - IntegrationEnergy, perfume 30 ml
Air energy sphere
37 - Air - IntegrationEnergy, energy sphere


The essence Air helps us to remain in the current moment, accepting this moment the way it is. We can leave the past behind us and more easily adapt to new situations. In this way we recognise when and how we are making things difficult for ourselves, see what is needed and react spontaneously.
Air strengthens our power of thought, logical thinking and intuition. In addition it promotes clear communication. People who ‘build castles in the air’ or easily get lost in their thoughts can use this essence to bring themselves back into the moment, ready to act as necessary.
Associated with the Turquoise Colour Ray.
  • Tincture spray: apply once or several times a day
  • Aroma spray: Spray several times a day
  • Energy sphere: jewellery pendant

Erhältlich als:

  • Tinktur: Aqua (Wasser), Ethanol (Weingeist), 30 ml (= 1 fl oz)
  • Duftspray: Aqua (Wasser), Ethanol (Weingeist), Aroma (natürliches ätherisches Öl von Limette und Bergamotte), 30 ml (= 1 fl oz)
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