Lady Portia #18

Delivery Time: 1-3 Days
  • remaining stable and composed even in tense situations; Coping with tension
  • for decisions; when we are overwhelmed by information or opinions; in times of indecision or difficulty setting priorities because actually we want everything,
  • inner peace and contentedness
Grouped product items
Product name Qty
Lady Portia tincture
€89.67 / 100 ml
18 - Lady Portia - MasterEnergy, tincture 30 ml
Lady Portia oil
€89.67 / 100 ml
18 - Lady Portia - MasterEnergy, oil 30 ml
18 - Lady Portia - MasterEnergy, energy sphere


I remain in a stable equilibrium and find my inner balance again after I lost it.
The MasterEssence Lady Portia helps us to find a new equilibrium more quickly when events knock us out of balance or to remain balanced and composed even in difficult conditions. In our inner balance we are stable and connected to our intuition and inner knowledge. This makes it easier to take decisions.
Users apply the essence to enhance their stability. Users like to apply the essence when they go to exhibitions/trade fairs and meetings, since it helps them to remain stable in their own centre.
Lady Portia is associated with the Pink Colour Ray.
  • Tincture spray: apply once or several times a day
  • Oil blend: apply on the body or as an addition to cosmetics
  • Energy sphere: jewellery pendant

Erhältlich als:

  • Tinktur: Aqua (Wasser), Ethanol (Weingeist), 30 ml (= 1 fl oz)
  • Öl mit Duft: Prunus dulcis (Mandelöl), Sesamum indicum (Sesamöl), Helianthus annuus (Sonnenblumenöl), Aroma (natürliches ätherisches Palmarosa- und Rosengeranien-Öl), 30 ml (= 1 fl oz)
  • Energiekugel: Glas, silberner Aufhänger, ca. 14 mm Durchmesser, ca. 6 g
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