Bodyguard rectangular for bracelet
The LichtWesen Bodyguard protects and accompanies you.
- stabilising the aura and energy system
- enhancing attention
- strengthening our inner power
Size: approx. 9x29 mm
This energised jewellery stabilises and strengthens, leaving you feeling empowered and liberated.
The design of the Bodyguard is a new interpretation of the common Nazar amulet used against the “evil eye” – made from exclusive materials: silver, palladium and sapphire (synthetic).
The Bodyguard carries the following energies: Archangel Michael, blue and silver Elohim Ray, Djwal Khul, moonstone, black tourmaline, milk thistle.
The Bodyguard can be worn as a chain pendant or attached to a rubber bracelet. The rubber bracelet can also be used for other LichtWesen energised jewellery: Bodyguard circular, Eye of Horus, Sun Disc, Radiant Sun). The bracelet has a clip made of silver and is available in various lengths.
Erzengel Michael, blauer und silberner Strahl der Elohim, Meisterenergie Djwal Khul, Mondstein, schwarzer Turmalin und Mariendistel.