BodyBalancer attachment for rubber bracelet or choker
Delivery Time: 1-3 Days
Attachment for the LichtWesen rubber bracelet; carries the energies of BodyBalancer and Stability.
- stabilising energy system and body and protecting them
- for any situation that demands stability; in phases where we are inwardly uneasy or upset and fear that the ground will be pulled from under our feet
- finding our way back into an order that works, even after disturbances
This attachment for the rubber bracelet of the Bodyguard carries the energies of BodyBalancer and Stability.
Material: silver; on the back there is an energised, fuchsia-colour zirconia (see image).
Elohim blau, weiß, silber, Schwarzer Turmalin, Rosenquarz, Rutilquarz, Enzian, Eisenkraut, Birke, Mariendistel;
Elohim kristallin, Erzengel Michael und Rapahel, Integrationsenergie Baum, goldener und silberner Schöpfungsstrahl, Victory, Goldtopas und Rubin