Air Tincture #37 #37
• communication
• clear thoughts and intuition
• relaxing or ‘switching off’ • tuning in to the current situation
• change
tincture: water-alcohol – 30 ml
At any moment I can quickly tune in to the current situation and new conditions and I am fully awake in the current moment.
Air helps us to be in the moment, to recognise what is needed in the moment, and to let go of the past. We can adapt whenever we need to. We become light and flexible. Air strengthens our power of thought, logical thinking and intuition. In addition it promotes clear communication. Associated with the turquoise Colour Ray.
The essence is often used to enable clear thoughts and clear communication; this also works during telephone calls. It increases the power of comprehension and spontaneity. It also helps in situations where we feel clouded or foggy. Users report that with the essence they can more easily adapt to new situations. In the evening, after work, it is easier for them to empty their mind. After intense conversations they are able to focus on the work to be done.